This award comes with some conditions, namely that I go on to declare two other blogs Certified Geek. Given how many geek-tastic blogs I read and admire, this is a tough call. Nonetheless, after a lot of soul searching and heavy thinking, I'm proud to call everyone's attention to these two, very special, very geeky, blogs:
1. Propnomicon
I love this blog because it brings the fictional world of H.P. Lovecraft to life through props and models. It's a wonderful resource for live-action Cthulu gamers, and a one-stop shop for those of us who just want to own a patch from certain cursed expeditions to the Antarctic or the Australian Outback, or notebooks from Miskatonic University. Clever and creative, it's a fitting tribute to good ol' H.P.L.
A great home for deep, intelligent, and fun reviews of Atomic Age cinema. From monsters to aliens to robots to rockets, these are the flicks that get me through the day, and this is the blog that provides such wonderful insight into each and every one of them. Throw in some additional bells and whistles -- like old comics, postcards, and video clips, and you've got an excellent example of what a blog can be.
To find out more about the Certified Geek Award, and to see a list of recipients, head over to Certifiably Geek Blogs (certifiablygeekblogs.blogspot.com). Be warned: You'll end up killing a lot of time as you sift through all the fantastic blogs. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Now keep on geekin' on, brother and sister geeks!
Hi, Doc Atomic! Just wanted to thank you once again for passing along the blog award, and to let you know that your awardees have been added to the blog!
And thank you for creating the award. Geeks united!